#Stash green tea caffeine zip#
It can make it easier to zip up your jeans: One Chinese study found that when subjects drank tea that was high in catechins twice a day, they saw a decrease in belly fat, losing an average of 1.9 cm in waist circumference and 2.6 pounds of body weight,.It has the one-two punch of catechins and caffeine: The EGCG and caffeine in green tea may work together to increase weight loss and weight maintenance, says one large study.The super-powered ingredient is a catechin called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which is believed to increase metabolism and help burn fat. “ Studies suggest that the antioxidants in green tea may promote metabolic health and help reduce appetite,” says Josh Axe, D.N.M., founder of Ancient Nutrition. What does this mean for your waistline? Plenty.

Because the leaves are plucked and cooked immediately, rather than being left to ferment and oxidize like the leaves for black tea, they retain higher concentrations of polyphenols and antioxidants than the English Breakfast or oolong you might sip in the morning before work.

Green tea, which is brewed from the leaves of the cameillia sinensis plant, has been sipped and enjoyed in China for more than 1,000 years–at least as far back as the 7 th century Tang Dynasty. Hey, Let's Talk About Why You Want to Lose Weight.How Drinking More Tea Can Help You Lose Weight.